Visit : Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU) by Zaha Hadid Architects

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It may seem the past holidays had been determined by which cities had ZHA projects but I promise you, it's coincidental - though it has made my family into big fans of ZHA. I, however, have mix feelings about WU.

The cantilevered end of MAXXI felt like the end destination of the journey in the museum which frames a view of the city. This has a far larger cantilevered structure that towers over the entrance below, that just seems excessive - being monolithic for monolithic sake. Perhaps the view from it makes it all entirely worth it for the lucky occupants.

The interior, however, is nothing short of spectacular.

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As you enter the building, you're transported into this grandiose white concourse which looks more like a space port than a university/learning centre.

It is because it feels alien that makes it unique and surreal - with the similar Zaha skylight spine (akin to MAXXI) inviting you to go up the sweeping path. The walls seemingly lean away as the floor rises revealing the atriums between.

However, I do agree with the criticism that this lack of varied materiality and colour that devoids the building of its context or program - perhaps that is just simply the globalisation dreams and the identity that is : ZHA.